Home Health Facility Hospital Ward closures likely as hospital staff strike

Ward closures likely as hospital staff strike


Princess Alexandra staff walk off job

BUILDING and engineering maintenance staff have walked off the job at the Princess Alexandra Hospital citing job security concerns, with unions claiming the dispute could force ward closures.

About 25 building and engineering maintenance staff walked off the job at 8am yesterday, as a result of a dispute with Metro South Health — which unions claimed was trying to use labour hire and temporary employment contracts.

Construction, plumbing, electrical and manufacturing workers’ unions have co-ordinated the walk-off action.

Electrical Trades Union organiser Brenton Muller said wards could be closed if the dispute was not resolved.

“Management won’t give any response to the outstanding issues staff have and continue to bury their heads in the sand after being confronted with these problems,” Mr Muller said.

“Matters have been escalated to the highest levels with no meaningful result.

“(The) action by staff will only add to that backlog but our members had no choice, they need to bring this issue to a head and force management to confront the impact of under staffing at the PA.”

A Health Department spokeswoman said back-up plans had been considered.

“The Department of Health is working closely with Metro South Hospital and Health Service to resolve current industrial issues at the Princess Alexandra Hospital,” she said.

“Metro South Hospital and Health Service has contingencies in place to ensure there is no disruption to patient care.”

Shadow Industrial Relations Minister Jarrod Bleijie said the State Government needed to hold the unions to account.

“Sick Queenslanders deserve to be cared for in our hospitals not thrust front and centre into a union picket line,” he said.

“We urge hospital workers to think again before allowing themselves to be used as pawns by a union trying to score political points instead of looking after patients.”