Budget overruns sank teen mental health centre, inquiry told


Plans to build a new residential mental health centre for adolescents in Queensland were scrapped because of budget overruns, an inquiry has been told.

A Commission of Inquiry is looking into the former LNP government’s decision to close the Barrett Adolescent Centre in January 2014.

Within eight months of the centre’s closure, three former patients — Will Fowell, Caitlin Wilkinson and Talieha Nebauer — had died.

The inquiry has already been told that the process of shutting down the centre was poorly handled and there was little evidence that patients received adequate follow-up care.

The inquiry was told today that the Barrett Centre was deemed no longer suitable and there were plans to build a new facility at the Redlands on Brisbane’s bayside.

But a cabinet briefing document written in May 2012 recommended scrapping the Redlands proposal, because of a $1.4 million budget over-run.

The note also suggested the money could be used to plug other budget shortfalls.

Senior clinicians are also expected to give evidence at today’s inquiry, including Dr Aaron Groves, who is the former director of mental health at Queensland Health.

It will also hear evidence from mental health experts Professor David Compton and Professor Brett McDermott.

Queensland’s Mental Health Commissioner Dr Lesley van Schoubroeck said she received verbal assurances there would be well-resourced care plans, although she never saw them.

The Barrett Adolescent Centre Commission of Inquiry is examining the reasons for the closure and the care and support provided for former patients, their families and staff.

The inquiry heard yesterday the process of shutting down the centre was haphazard, with some families receiving little follow-up care.