Push for probe into black lung disease


THE miners’ union is calling for a public inquiry into the re-emergence of black lung disease in Queensland.

NINE people have now either been diagnosed with the chronic respiratory condition or are showing symptoms, according to the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU).

The union wants a public probe into why the debilitating disease has returned three decades after it was thought to have been wiped out. “It’s appalling that companies and regulatory bodies have let health standards deteriorate, putting the lives of workers at serious risk,” CFMEU Queensland divisional president Steve Smyth said in a statement. The union wants the state government to commit to stricter dust level monitoring, more health checks, and training and education on the disease. The disease, caused by long-term exposure to fine, airborne coal dust in areas with poor ventilation, was thought to have been wiped out in Australia by the early 1980s. It is irreversible and can lead to debilitating symptoms, heart problems, and premature death. Mr Smyth expects many more diagnosed cases in coming months. “We can’t put a figure on it because the regulatory system that is meant to detect problems has been asleep for decades,” he said.