Royal Children’s Hospital won’t re-open: Cameron Dick


Health Minister Cameron Dick says a second children's hospital is not on the cards for Brisbane.

Health Minister Cameron Dick says a second children’s hospital is not on the cards for Brisbane. Photo: Gabriele Charotte

The Queensland government has ruled out re-opening the Royal Children’s Hospital in Herston to alleviate staffing and bedding problems at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital.

Health Minister Cameron Dick on Tuesday said the government would pump $70 million into providing 30 new beds at Lady Cilento over the next four years, and would start an immediate recruitment drive to find additional medical staff for the hospital.

A second tertiary teaching hospital for children in Brisbane was not on the cards, he said.

“I want to put to rest the idea that the hospital will be reopened, it will not be reopened and I don’t want to raise false hope that it will,” he said.