Broken Hill hospital linked to high-speed medical network


Photo: High-speed internet is being rolled out to Broken Hill’s hospital to allow faster access to medical documents. (AAP: Dan Peled)

Broken Hill hospital is set to be connected to a high-speed health network that will allow faster access to electronic medical records.

Workers are digging up the Chloride Street footpath, laying fibreoptic internet cable from the telephone exchange to the hospital.

They’re installing a link known as the Health Wide Area Network, which will speed up the sending and receiving of data between hosptials and access to electronic medical records.

“This work is necessary to enable greater network bandwidth and resilience for the deployment of electronic medical record systems and other clinical applications,” a health department spokeswoman said.

“Supporting remote access, multimedia applications and services, data exchange, voice and video services as well as wireless access … [the project] is laying the foundations for the delivery of clinical programs such as … electronic medications management.”

The network is being rolled out across the state, and is due to be completed in Broken Hill in November.