The Problem With Conventional Medicine’s Treatment of Menstrual Symptoms and Female Infertility



According to the CDC, approximately 10 percent of women between the ages of 15-44 have, shall we say, less than optimal fertility levels.

Before trying to conceive, many of these women know that something’s up just by noticing that their menstrual cycle isn’t as consistent as it should be.

But even with normal menstrual cycles, most women experience other uncomfortable symptoms, like like fatigue, foggy thinking, acne, low libido, mood swings, PMS, depression, anxiety, difficulty losing weight, bloating, headaches.

Because symptoms are so widespread, most women just assume they come with the territory of womanhood.

What they might not realize is that these symptoms can be managed naturally, and if they’re not, they can actually be linked to decreased fertility.

Here’s the problem.

Conventional doctors have an unfortunate habit.

They like to hand out pills to cover up symptoms instead of getting at the root of the issue.

Many women are told that their symptoms are just part of a package deal you get when you’re born with lady-parts.

You have a headache? Take ibuprofen.

You have an irregular menstrual cycle? Let’s put you on birth control.

You feel depressed? We’ve got a pill for that too.

As for why some women have problems and others don’t?

Conventional doctors will claim that it’s part of the genetic lottery. Some women are just luckier than others when it comes to their menstrual symptoms and fertility.

While genetics do play a large role in all of this, the truth is that a whole lot of suffering, discomfort, confusion and frustration could be avoided if conventional medical doctors had the training to do more than prescribe a pill.

At the root of these symptoms lies a hormonal imbalance which can, more often than not, be improved though diet, exercise, and stress-management.

To the medical institution’s credit, diet and lifestyle conversations are becoming more common in doctors’ offices, but not enough is being done to help women learn how to actually go about becoming healthier.

Here’s what needs to happen.

Prescribing pills should not be the first line of defense, it should be the last.

While taking a pill to manage a headache in the immediate future is totally understandable, if that headache happens more often than a blue moon, you’ve got to dig deeper to get rid of the cause of those headaches.

Doctors need to do more than tell their patients to lose weight, they need to educate patients.

Women should be hooked-up with resources, including referrals to diet & lifestyle experts, alternative medicine practitioners, and support groups, so they can learn the strategies they need to live a healthy lifestyle even when they have limited time and budget.

Doctors need to emphasize that food choices and exercise will do more than help weight loss.

It needs to become common knowledge that regular healthy choices can actually reduce or even eliminate menstrual symptoms and improve fertility, whether a woman wants to become pregnant right away or in 10 years.

Moreover, women should have lab tests done and be guided through elimination diets to see if they have a food intolerance.

But it shouldn’t stop with diet and exercise.

Women also need to be supported and encouraged to take care of themselves and manage their stress levels.

Getting a massage, going to a restorative yoga class, getting acupuncture, taking a long bath, and asking for help should not be seen as luxuries.

Instead, stress-relieving activities and stress-management techniques need to become a priority in every woman’s life if she wants to feel good in her body and have the energy to do the good work she was put on this earth to do.

While health by it’s very nature is always in flux, you shouldn’t think that hormonal imbalance is just something you have to live with.

Take charge of your health and take care of yourself!

It’ll literally change your life.

Do you want to improve your fertility naturally, despite having a hormonal imbalance like PCOS?

Click here to download your free copy of the Natural Fertility “Cheat Sheet”.