New laws push spike in vaccine-free kinders


Author Wendy Lyall (pictured with her son) says at least 30 underground “vaccine free” kinders are operating in Victoria.

Author Wendy Lyall (pictured with her son) says at least 30 underground “vaccine free” kinders are operating in Victoria.

‘No jab, no play’ laws driving black market for no-vax kinders: author


Megan BaileyBerwick Leader | 2015-10-11T13:20:00.000Z

AT LEAST 30 illegal ‘vaccine-free’ kindergartens are operating in Victoria, including one in Pakenham, according to a prominent vaccine opponent.

Emerald woman Wendy Lydall, who wrote the book Raising a Vaccine Free Child, said the kindergartens were advertised on at least 20 closed Facebook pages.

Ms Lydall said the kindergartens could put children at risk but parents who did not want to vaccinate often felt they had no choice but to send their children there.

“(Premier) Daniel Andrews has announced that next year children who are not up to date with the 39 vaccines on the preschool schedule will not be allowed to attend any preschool learning institution.

“He is driving the children of health-conscious parents into the illegal kindergartens that are springing up all over Victoria.

HAVE YOUR SAY: Would you send your child to a vaccine free kinder? Tell us below

“Of course it’s illegal to do that without police checks and safe venue checks. They are advertised all over Facebook and other social media. They are not being screened; they need police checks to make sure (operators) are not paedophiles. They need to be safe.”

The Health Department says there are 12 prescribed vaccinations for three-year-olds.

Health Minister Jill Hennessy said anti-vaccination campaigners “peddled myths and mistruths which can have disastrous effects”.

“Vaccinations save lives. It’s that simple,” Ms Hennessy said.

“Children who are not fully immunised face the very real risk of contracting a range of vaccine-preventable diseases, some of which can cause serious illness or be fatal. Immunisation not only protects those who have been vaccinated, it also protects those in our community who may be unable to receive vaccines themselves, like children with cancer or who have allergies.”

Anyone offering education or childcare services is required to be licensed by the Department of Education and Training. From next January, the licence requirement will include adhering to the ‘No Jab, No Play’ policy.

The maximum penalty for operating an unlicensed kindergarten is $20,000 for an individual or $100,000 for a company or incorporated association.

Cardinia Shire Council manager of development and compliance services Brett Jackson said the council was not aware of any unregistered kindergartens in the shire.