University of Texas Hospital Opens Medtech Makerspace for Doctors and Nurses



The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston is now home to the first makerspace in the country devoted to hacking together new medical devices and tinkering with existing ones to create new applications. The hospital teamed up with MakerNurse, an organization that helps nurses to develop new clinical products, to run MakerHealth Space at the John Sealy Hospital.

The facility has a bunch of products used in hospitals, tons parts that can be used to create things, and tools including 3D printers to make parts and put everything together. Once a new device is created, it will go through an institutional review board before it gets tested with volunteers at the hospital.

To help document the process of development, the space also has a “selfie tool” that lets designers photograph prototypes at different stages of development and to create instructional videos and how to’s.

Source: MakerNurse and The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston…

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