Tasmanian company secures contract for new Royal Hobart Hospital in-patient building


     Temporary inpatients building planned for the Royal Hobart Hospital 3


Tasmanian construction company, Fairbrother, has won the contract for a 54-bed in-patient building as part of the Royal Hobart Hospital re-development.

The $22 million temporary facility will be built on the Liverpool Street forecourt.

The Tasmanian Government said the new structure will house some patients while the hospital’s main buildings are demolished and rebuilt.

Health Minister Michael Ferguson said the building is a key feature of the plans.

“We’re going to keep our vulnerable patients on site, that 54-bed in-patient temporary facility is all about keeping the most vulnerable of our patients including our mental health in-patients on-site, near the hospital, near the services that they require,” he said.

“Construction of the temporary facility on Liverpool Street forecourt will commence very soon, as soon as possible, it’ll be competed by the first quarter of 2016.”

The Government claims the $660 million hospital project will generate $1.6 billion worth of economic activity and will create 4,000 direct and indirect jobs.

The Government said the project was on target to be finished by 2018.

“The project is on track, the project’s rescued and importantly it’s a better project,” Mr Ferguson said.

Planning is underway to minimise the inconvenience to patients, visitors and staff at the hospital.