Researcher creates ‘drinkable book’ to provide access to safe water


A US researcher has developed a way to help people living in poverty access safe drinking water through the pages of a “drinkable book”.

The book — the brainchild of Dr Theresa Dankovich from Carnegie Mellon University — is printed with special pages that filter out and kill bacteria, making contaminated water safe to drink.

The paper is coated with silver particles which are highly toxic to bacteria but safe for humans.

Dr Dankovich said the materials to create the book are affordable and the idea had stemmed from a doctorate thesis.

“The first part was just developing the filter paper and testing it in the lab and showing ‘Oh look, it really works’, it kills greater than 99.99 per cent of bacteria,” she said.

“Then the book idea came around after I graduated… somebody from an ad agency contacted me and said ‘I think this is going to be a really great product some day’.”

Every year more than 3.4 million people die as a result of unsafe drinking water.

The book is designed to filter about 100 litres of water, lasting up to four years for one person.

Still in its development phase, the books have so far been trialled in South Africa, Ghana and Bangladesh.

“A lot of people were intrigued by the paper, they weren’t sure what to make out of it,” Dr Dankovich said.

“They were like is this animal hide? I think the colour throws them off because it’s not white.

“But most people thought it could be a real game changer and they’re really excited to get the paper for their village.”

The books, which contain instructions on the pages about how to use them, can be printed in local languages.

Dr Dankovich said cartoons could also be used for those who do not read.

Over half a billion people around the world are living without access to safe sources of drinking water, the World Health Organisation says.