Sixth case of measles reported from Brisbane uni campus


There has been another confirmed case of measles stemming from University of Queensland’s St Lucia campus – bringing the total cases to six in just five weeks.

The first case was reported in mid-July, when a student returned from overseas and became ill, with the fifth being confirmed on Friday.

The Darling Downs Public Health Unit has issued an alert after the latest person to contract the virus visited Toowoomba last week.

They visited the Spotted Cow Hotel on Saturday August 15 while infectious.

Darling Downs Public Health Unit Director Dr Penny Hutchinson said symptoms usually started around the 10-day mark, but could occur between seven and 18 days after contact with an infectious person.

“Measles is one of the most infectious of all communicable diseases and is spread by tiny droplets through coughing and sneezing,” Dr Hutchinson said.

“It is a serious viral infection that causes fever, cough, runny nose, then a red spotty rash and sore eyes, but this is a few days later. The infectious period starts before the rash occurs.

“Anyone who develops measles-like symptoms within the next week or two should stay home and contact their GP for advice.

“If you do need to seek treatment, it is very important to call the medical practice first to say you could have measles so that staff can take precautions to avoid spreading the disease to others.”

Symptoms include a cough, fever and runny nose with the person contagious before the telltale red rash appears.

Special vaccination clinics have been set up at UQ to control the outbreak.