Measles alert in Brisbane’s west


Measles can cause serious complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis.

Measles can cause serious complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis. Photo: Supplied

Queensland’s health authority has issued a measles alert, after a student from Brisbane’s west returned from an overseas trip with the highly infectious disease.

Metro North Health and Health Service said the Taringa man had visited a number of places in the city’s west over the four days while he was infectious.

Public Health physician Dr James Smith said the student did not yet have a rash when he attended various locations on Brisbane’s north side last week.

They included:

  • Brisbane airport’s domestic terminal on Wednesday, July 15. He was a passenger on Qantas flight QF524 from Sydney.
  • University of Queensland, St Lucia between Thursday, July 16 and Saturday, July 18
  • Indooroopilly Shopping Centre on July 16 and 17

“Although this person didn’t get measles in Australia, he would still have been very infectious when he was out in the community between Wednesday and Saturday last week,” Dr Smith said.

He said people who had visited these areas during that period should be on high alert for symptoms.

“People who may have come into contact with the patient who are uncertain of their immunity to measles should speak to their GP,” Dr Smith said.

“Measles is a very contagious virus that is spread from person-to-person by tiny droplets created during coughing and sneezing. The droplets can remain suspended in the air.”

Measles can cause serious complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain.

Queensland Health recommends anyone born during or since 1966, who has not had two documented doses of measles, mumps, rubella vaccine or had proven measles, should visit their family doctor to get vaccinated for measles.

The vaccine is free for anyone who requires it.

“We encourage people to check if they need to be vaccinated against measles,” Dr Smith said.

Initial symptoms of measles include fever, lethargy, runny nose, moist cough and sore and red eyes.

This is followed a few days later by a blotchy red rash.

The rash often starts on the face then becomes widespread.

“Symptoms usually start around 10 days after infection but sometimes longer. Anyone who develops measles-like symptoms should isolate themselves from school, work and social activities and seek medical advice,” Dr Smith said