Preventative health funding praised in Queensland budget


    Curtis Pitt

Health groups have praised the Queensland Government’s budget for funding the detection and prevention of chronic disease, but say more money is needed to tackle the ice epidemic.

Treasurer Curtis Pitt today delivered a $49.9 billion budget, which predicted a $1.2 billion operating surplus in 2015-16.

The Australian Medical Association of Queensland welcomed extra funding for nurses and paramedics, but president Dr Shaun Rudd warned more funding for extra hospital beds was required.

“Our main concern is when the ambulance rocks up at the hospital and there are no new beds,” Mr Rudd said.

“It’s all very well having extra staff, it’s all very well having extra ambulances but there’s no extra beds for patients to be treated in.

“We already have 100 per cent bed occupancy in most hospitals most of the time.”


Mr Rudd said the Government had also provided funding to reduce the long hospital wait list for elective surgery.

Diabetes Queensland said the Palaszczuk Government was at the forefront of addressing the growing diabetes epidemic.

The group’s chief executive, Michelle Trute, said the Government delivered on its election promise.

“$27 million over the next four years is a great investment in turning diabetes around here in Queensland,” Ms Trute said.

The Heart Foundation described the budget as good for people’s health and the economy.

Health director Rachelle Foreman said the budget provided funding to keep people out of hospital.

“It will save the economy in terms of the hospital cost and keep people well and productive,” Ms Foreman said.

“We also welcome the focus on cardiac rehabilitation and chronic disease management.

“The prevention budget delivers $50 million over four years.

“It’s not a huge amount of money in the grand scheme of the health budget but it’s a good down payment.”

Child protection group Peakcare Queensland said the Government had built on the initiatives of the previous LNP government.

Executive director Lindsay Wegener welcomed the increase in funding for family support services and mental health services.

But he warned more funding was needed, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.


“Many young people who are experiencing mental concerns are the victims of child abuse and the trauma that experience brings upon them,” he said.

“Queensland has had three child protection inquiry’s in less than 15 years.

“Each time an inquiry is held we bemoan the fact of the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families in the child protection system.

“Maybe now with this investment we can learn that there are better ways of dealing with child protection concerns.”

Mr Wegener said the Government needed to increase funding to tackle the ice epidemic among young people and young parents.

Family advocates Parenthood said the budget would be welcomed by families across the state.

Executive director Jo Briskey said parents would now have greater access to support.

“$6.6 million for a parenting support program that will enable parents across the state to gain access to evidence based parenting support,” she said.

Ms Briskey said record investment in education and an increase in investment for children with disabilities was welcome.

But she said more funding was needed for early learning in care for Queensland children.

“We know this is a responsibly across all state and federal governments to increase access to high quality, affordable early learning in care.”

Key points: Health budget

  • Queensland Health’s budget to grow by 4 per cent this year to $14.2 billion.
  • $361 million over four years to implement the Outpatient Long Wait Reduction Strategy to address the “wait list for the wait list”.
  • Up to 4,000 new graduate nursing places.
  • Employing 400 nurse navigators to help patients navigate across the health system.
  • $27.2 million over four years for Health for Life! Taking Action on Diabetes – a program targeting 10,000 Queenslanders at high risk of developing diabetes and helping them make positive changes to their lifestyle.
  • $193.5 million over four years for the start up of the Sunshine Coast Public University Hospital – to support the transition of clinical services, staff recruitment and medical school placements.
  • $180 million over four years for the Enhancing Regional Hospitals Program to upgrade Caloundra Hospital Service, Roma Hospital, Hervey Bay Emergency Department and Gladstone Emergency Department.
  • Budget at a glance

    • $49.9 billion budget, with a focus on jobs, health and education
    • Operating surplus $962 million in 2014-15
    • Operating surplus of $1.2 billion in 2015-16
    • Government borrowings to fall from $43.2 billion in 2014-15 to $38.1 billion in 2015-16
    • Total debt including government-owned corporations to fall from $75.5 billion in 2104-15 to $74.1 billion in 2015-16
    • Debt to be reduced by $9.6 billion over three years by moving $4.1 billion of state debt to the balance sheets of government-owned electricity corporations
    • Pay down $3.4 billion by only paying long service entitlements when they arise, instead of setting money aside for future claims
    • Reduce debt by $2 billion by suspending employer superannuation contributions to the defined benefit scheme for five years