The 16 types of sweating all sweaty people know
For sweaty people, summertime can be a nightmare.
The perfect storm of summer conditions can turn vacation season into three months of sweaty hell pretty quickly if you aren’t careful.
Below, we’ve rounded up all the common types of sweating people do in the summer.
Stay hydrated.
Types of sweating
The happy sweats
This type of sweat happens when you smile too much. Be careful not to smile or you will ruin all your good shirts.
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The adultery sweats
The adultery sweats occur when you commit too many acts of adultery. Be careful!
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The meat sweats
Eat or sell too many meats and you’ll find yourself covered in sweat.
The tennis sweats
Even just thinking about tennis can make some people sweat, so be sure to wear a sweatband.
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The sneaking around the office sweats
If you’re going to sneak around an office space, be sure to wear breathable material.
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The first date sweats
Sure, lifting together outside is a romantic idea for a first date, but be prepared to sweat.
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The hacking sweats
Hack too hard and you’ll be drenched in water from your body.
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The horrific flashback sweats
Don’t ever think about the horrible things you’ve done.
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The woke-up-in-a-mysterious-labyrinth-but-pretty-confident-I’ll-find-my-way-out sweats
If you find yourself in an elaborate maze without a shirt on, odds are you’re going to sweat.
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The medically problematic sweats
This man has a problem and needs to see a doctor for his sweating.
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Mud sweats
Some people sweat mud.
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The nighttime woods sweats
Going deep into the woods at nighttime is fun, sure. But it’ll make you sweat.
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The political sweats
Everyone in politics knows about this kind of sweat.
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The political controversy sweats
In the middle of a political controversy? Bring a towel.
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Blood sweats
Sometimes sweat is blood; don’t worry about it.
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The death sweats
This man has died from sweating, only to find that it makes him sweat more. Will sweaty people ever catch a break?
Image: Corbis