Sexual harassment in medical work environment endemic: study



Discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment are “endemic” in the medical work environment and surgeons are commonly named as perpetrators, a new study has found.

The Expert Advisory Group (EAG), appointed by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), has released its preliminary research into the prevalence of such behaviour in medical work environments.

“The existing complaints processes haven’t proved to be adequate,” RACS vice president and EAG member Graeme Campbell said.

“We’re going to have to create an open communication framework where any bullying or harassment is reported and any complaint is acted upon freely.

“The solution is going to have to address culture. It’s going to have to address culture in organisations, culture within surgery.”

He added RACS was only part of the solution.

EAG is now reaching out for submissions to determine if the findings from the literature review accurately reflect what is going on.

“What we’re really after at this stage is feedback from external people, that’s why we’ve put the paper out there,” Mr Campbell said.

“We are very, very keen to see if other people think we’ve got the issues right or can add or help us with some solutions.”

The paper comes after senior vascular surgeon Dr Gabrielle McMullin fuelled international debate when she said complaining about sexual harassment could ruin a trainee’s career.

In the days following her comments a string of other female doctors also spoke out about the damaging “boys’ club” culture in medical workplaces.

The response forced the RACS to act.

After initially stating their complaints processes were robust, the college then appointed the EAG to gauge the prevalence of bullying behaviour in the industry.

Complaining still not safe: senior surgeon

RACS women in surgery chair Ruth Bollard said the group was surprised at the extent of the problems, particularly sexual harassment.

“The issues paper addresses concerns also flagged by the forum, on the need to form a robust investigative process to closely work with employing bodies and to address issues on education, discipline and cultural concerns,” she said.

“EAG issues paper also concluded trainees, medical students and female staff were main targets of bullying and harassment and some places support a ‘culture of abuse’.”

But people are still worried about the consequences of openly coming forward with complaints, according to Dr McMullin.

“I’ve been told by a couple of surgeons and trainees that they have been told definitely this is dangerous; do not put your name to this,” she said.

“By all means, put in your story but do not put your name to it.”

But Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick said the study was an important first step and an evidence base to begin targeted interventions.

“What it will take to change this picture is courageous women and probably coming together as a collective to actually step up and say, ‘This is what’s happened to me, we want to be part of this change’,” she said.

“We need to work together to create a safe environment for everyone, both women and men.”

She added any action following needed to focus on creating a safe reporting environment where victims do not fear reprisal.

EAG will soon release separate results of an anonymous survey of victims as part of their research.