Labor reverses controversial Newman government IR changes


Treasurer Curtis Pitt said the tax rebate would help create jobs.

The Queensland Government has used cross-bench support to reverse the Newman government’s industrial relations crackdown on public servants.

The Government last night reinstated employment security for public servants and protection against the outsourcing of government services.

The changes passed by Parliament also restored the rights of unions to enter work sites and allowed the Industrial Relations Commission to set awards without considering the financial position of employers.

The State Government also restored collective bargaining rights for public hospital doctors who were put on individual contracts under the previous LNP government.

Opposition industrial relations spokesman Ian Walker said the changes were about Labor helping its supporters in the union movement.

“There’s no future-looking, everything is about revenge and looking back,” he said.

“Not only has it been rushed through Parliament to repay favours, it does so at the expense of the privacy of workers.

“Once again Labor puts the interests of its union backers ahead of the privacy and choice for all Queensland workers.”

Industrial Relations Minister Curtis Pitt said the moves returned fairness for public servants.

“These laws were needed quickly because letting the LNP’s laws to go unabated would cause damage to the IR system,” he said.

“We treated it as a matter of urgency to undo the damage these laws inflicted on working Queenslanders.”

Doctors’ rights to collective bargaining reinstated

Under the changes, public hospital doctors will again be allowed to bargain collectively on work agreements.

Many doctors had threatened to leave Queensland when individual contracts were introduced by the LNP.

Together union secretary Alex Scott said allowing doctors to collectively bargain again was an important result.

“We saw under the previous government some very restrictive legislation passed that meant workers weren’t able to raise a range of issues, and a range of their existing conditions from collective bargaining agreements and awards were unilaterally removed,” he said.

“One of the highest profile parts of that process was the forcing of thousands of senior doctors onto individual contracts and we think that put at risk patient safety.”

Opposition MP Dr Christian Rowan was sidelined as Queensland president of the Australian Medical Association during the heated dispute.

On Thursday night he was quick to criticise the reversal.

“The Industrial Relations Fairness and Other Restorative Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 will cause harm to Queensland,” he said.

“This bill is prima facie evidence of the deal struck between the Labor Party and the medical unions prior to the election.”

Health Minister Cameron Dick said the changes would right the wrongs done to the salaried medical officers and accused Dr Rowan of turning his back on colleagues in the health sector.

“The question has to be asked what does the Member for Moggill have against doctors?” he said.

“Patients lost, doctors lost, but if we’re looking for a winner in the terrible terrible tragedy of individual medical contracts we need go no further than the other side of the chamber and the Member for Moggill.”

Independent MP Billy Gordon backed Labor’s changes and told Parliament the legislation restored fairness for public servants.

Katter Australian Party MP Shane Knuth, who also supported the changes, said the amendments would improve job security in rural areas and help look after working-class people.