Genetics linked to nearly half of all cerebral palsy cases, researchers find


Up to 45 per cent of cerebral palsy cases are caused by genetic mutation and not by complications at birth, Adelaide University researchers have found.

The study builds on research released in February, showing 14 per cent of cases had a genetic link.

The research also found that despite an increase in the number of caesarean deliveries from 5 per cent to 34 per cent over the past 50 years, there was no change in the rate of cerebral palsy.

Emeritus Professor Alastair MacLennan said caesareans were often performed out of fear of litigation.

He hoped his team’s findings would result in fewer caesareans being performed and reduce litigation against obstetric staff.

“The rising caesarean section rates are actually leading to death in mothers the second time around when they have a repeat caesarean section,” Professor MacLennan said.

“It is quite a dramatic finding and we’ll have to change the way we think about cerebral palsy and the way we go about trying to chastise the people who are trying to help.

“And trying to blame the insurers and the midwives and doctors is actually counter-productive.”

But Tony Kerin from Maurice Blackburn Lawyers said the report was just one of many and should not diminish a parent’s right to seek action for suspected medical negligence.

He said that while the research would be used in litigation, there was still evidence proving that birth complications caused the condition.

“There’s a body of experts and evidence which says that there are other reasons other than genetics as to why people suffer birth injuries and suffer cerebral palsy,” Mr Kerin said.

“That evidence is what’s used to construct a case because the law gives you that right. That evidence still exists irrespective of this report.”

Professor MacLennan said several more years of research was required but the grouped believed it would eventually lead to genetic testing for cerebral palsy before and during pregnancy.