Wearable Pregnancy Monitor Keeps Eye on Baby’s Health 24/7


PregSenseIsraeli firm Nuvo Group has unveiled a wearable pregnancy monitor designed to let expecting parents and their physicians keep an eye on how the baby is developing. The PregSense is a sort of a belt that wraps around the mom’s tummy and that has sensors that detect the baby’s heartbeat, kicks, and even position within the womb.

Unlike many other pregnancy monitors, the device does not use ultrasound, instead relying on passive electric sensors. The belt interfaces with a smartphone where the data can be viewed and via which it can be passed on to a physician for professional review. While the PregSense was designed for clinical use, a consumer version of the device, called Ritmo Beats, will be available for around $250 sometime later this year. The clinical PregSense device will hopefully be released next year.

More with video at Reuters

Link: Nuvo Group…

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