Royal Perth Hospital revamp stalls due to WA budget woes


 Cropped front shot of Royal Perth Hospital with MCU of sign.

The promised redevelopment of the ageing Royal Perth Hospital has been put on hold thanks to budget difficulties, the West Australian Government has confirmed.

The Government first promised to redevelop the hospital before it came to power in 2008, setting up a committee to oversee the project within weeks of coming into office.

Funding put in the budget for the redevelopment was subsequently taken out, but Health Minister Kim Hames had said the project was still being progressed.

However, Dr Hames admitted in State Parliament yesterday that the project was on the backburner as a result of the Government’s budget difficulties, highlighted by the announcement in last week’s budget that a deficit of $2.7 billion is expected in the coming financial year.

“We would love to be able to do the work to provide that upgrade but in the current financial circumstances it’s just not possible,” he said.

“We did have $180 million in the budget … that was removed when we needed those funds for other things.

“That remains a keen desire of this Government in the future and something I would very much like to do, but I’ve had to accept that we just don’t currently have the financial capacity to do that.”

Hospital’s future guaranteed: Minister

But Dr Hames said deferring redevelopment plans did not mean there was any doubt surrounding the future of the hospital.

“It is a magnificent hospital that will play a key role in the future of health in this state,” he said.

The budget included $19 million to “meet key infrastructure needs and support the operation” of RPH.

But Labor’s health spokesman Roger Cook said the failure to deliver on the promised redevelopment was a serious disappointment.

“Royal Perth Hospital is a very old facility and one in desperate need of upgrades and redevelopment,” he said.

“The dilapidated state of that hospital will simply stay that way because they’ve run out of money to do anything about it.”

Health Services Union secretary Dan Hill said it was a severe blow to staff who opted to stay at RPH instead of moving to the new Fiona Stanley Hospital.

“Many staff made the decision to stay on at RPH on the basis that it would be redeveloped,” he said.

“Now, their futures have been thrown up in the air.”