GP Access says closure imminent without Federal funding


  GP Access After Hours


It is crunch time for an after hours doctors service in Hunter Valley, with plans being made to shut it down due to Federal funding woes.

GP Access says it will shut its after hours clinics on June 30, without ongoing Federal funding.

It treats 50,000 Hunter patients each year, but says the Federal budget has failed to give it funding certainty.

It is run by Hunter Medicare Local, and chairman Trent Watson said it is a nervous time.

“You know, despite repeated attempts today to get some clarification in regards to that, there is still no clear indication that that funding is forthcoming,” he said.

“So, you know, we are now in a position where we are going to have to commence the planning of the closure by 30 June.”

Dr Watson said the threat of closure is very real.

“If we don’t get some clarification, you know, there are certain things that we need to take responsibility for as a board to fill the employment entitlements,” he said.

“We have got to start planning now, because there are only six weeks until the 30th of June.

“So the crunch time is now.”

Federal Newcastle MP Sharon Claydon said GP Access is a crucial service that must be saved.

“I can’t begin to say how many phone calls, and emails, and messages that I’ve received from families who have used that service, pleading and saying, ‘please don’t let this service close down’.

“Last night was the last opportunity that this Government had to back that service in their budget, and there was nothing.”