Whooping cough cases in ACT double compared to last year


The number of whooping cough cases in the ACT has more than doubled in the last year.

So far this year, 115 cases of the illness have been reported to ACT Health, compared with 49 for the same period last year.

ACT chief health officer Dr Paul Kelly said whooping cough, or pertussis, was a serious respiratory infection that could be life-threatening for infants.

“In babies, the infection can sometimes lead to pneumonia and occasionally brain damage, and can be life threatening,” he said.

“There has already been an increase in the number of pertussis notifications in the ACT so far this year.

“This has mainly been across the 0- to 14-year age group compared to the same time last year (45 cases in 2015 to 13 cases in 2014).

“Especially children aged 10 to 12 (21 cases in 2015 compared to 3 cases in 2014).”

But Dr Kelly said it was usual for the number of cases to spike once every few years.

“The increased number of notifications is expected, as pertussis notifications tends to increase every few years, as they last did in 2010-11,” he said.

“It is vital that parents ensure all their children are up to date with their scheduled vaccinations to minimise the risk of whooping cough circulating not only in their own families but in the wider community including schools.”

From today, pregnant women in their third trimester can access free whooping cough vaccinations.

“I encourage all pregnant women to ensure they are vaccinated in their third trimester, ideally at 28 weeks or as soon as possible after, as it offers the best protection for babies until they have completed their primary immunisation for pertussis at six months of age,” Dr Kelly said.

“Family members and other adults in close contact with young babies should also discuss the benefits of the vaccine.”

The vaccines will be available through the antenatal clinics at the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children, Calvary Hospital as well as GPs.