AMA welcomes COAG commitment to discuss Commonwealth-State health funding


AMA President, A/Prof Brian Owler, said today that the AMA welcomes the news that Commonwealth-State health funding arrangements, including the urgent matter of public hospital funding, will be on the agenda at a special COAG Leaders’ meeting that is being convened in July to discuss overarching reform of the Federation.

A/Prof Owler said that, while the AMA would have preferred some signs of a hospital funding agreement come out of today’s meeting, it is clear that State leaders let the Prime Minister know of their serious concerns around adequately funding public hospitals for the long term.

“The AMA Public Hospital Report Card yesterday put the spotlight on the funding crisis being experienced by Australia’s public hospital system,” A/Prof Owler said.

“The Premiers and Chief Ministers today added further weight to these concerns.

“We look forward to a constructive and forward-looking solution emerging from the July meeting.”

A/Prof Owler said the AMA was also pleased to see agreement on a constructive approach between the Commonwealth and States on reducing violence against women, the National Ice Action Strategy, improving outcomes for Indigenous Australians, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and mental health.

17 April 2015

CONTACT:        John Flannery                     02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                         Odette Visser                      02 6270 5412 / 0427 209 753


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