Anti-abortion campaigner arrested again for protesting outside clinic


A Queensland man has been arrested again for protesting outside a Hobart abortion clinic.

John Graham Preston, 59, did not enter a plea to the charge of engaging in prohibited behaviour within 150 metres of a termination clinic during a brief appearance in the magistrates court this afternoon.

He has been bailed to appear in court again in June when he is expected to enter a plea to that charge and another resulting from a protest last September.

Preston was the first to be charged under Tasmania’s Reproductive Health Act for a series of anti-abortion protests in March last year, but police prosecutors dropped the case the day it was due to go to hearing.

Outside the court this afternoon, Preston vowed to keep protesting.

“We believe that clearly that law is unconstitutional,” he said.

“We do have a implied right to freedom of speech in Australia and we want to challenge this law in the high court.”

A 61-year-old man and a 56-year-old woman from Geeveston were also charged under the Act for this morning’s protest and have been bailed to appear in court at a later date.

Inspector David Plumpton from Tasmania Police said officers would continue to do their job if state law was violated.

“The Reproductive Health Act 2013 prohibits anyone from engaging in prohibited behaviour within 150 metres of premises where terminations are provided,” he said.

“Prohibited behaviour can include a protest in relation to terminations and footpath interference.”