Tony Abbott to establish national drug taskforce to tackle ice ‘scourge’


Australian federal police officers handle ice seized in Sydney
Australian federal police officers handle ice seized in Sydney in November. Photograph: William West/AFP/Getty Images

The federal government will on Wednesday announce the formation of a national taskforce to deal with the “growing problem” of ice.

The taskforce will be the first pillar of the government’s national ice action strategy and will be chaired by the former Victorian police commissioner Ken Lay.

The justice minister, Michael Keenan, and the assistant health minister, Fiona Nash, will oversee the government’s response.

“The overall purpose of the taskforce will be to examine all existing efforts to address ice and identify ways to take a systematic, comprehensive and coordinated approach to education, health and law enforcement,” Tony Abbott said.

The taskforce is expected to provide an interim report by the middle of the year and the prime minister will present it to the Council of Australian Governments meeting shortly afterwards.

Nearly 400,000 people have tried the drug ice, or crystal methamphetamine, in the past year, according to research undertaken by the Australian Crime Commission.

Several transnational crime gangs, as well as Australian outlaw bikie gangs, have been involved in the import and manufacture of the drug, which brings in top dollar in Australia compared with other countries around the world.

“Ice use is a growing problem right around our nation,” the prime minister said. “Ice is ruining individuals, destroying families, and hurting communities.”

Australia has one of the highest rates of usage of methamphetamine in the world, with the crime commission warning that it has become the most damaging challenge facing police.