Drug rehab centres win last-minute reprieve from Federal Government cuts


By medical reporter Sophie Scott

Drug and alcohol centres around the country have won a last-minute reprieve from Federal Government funding cuts after an outcry from health groups.

Assistant Minister for Health Fiona Nash said alcohol and drug treatment organisations that receive funding from the Government will have their arrangements extended until June 30 next year.

The ABC highlighted the plight of rehabilitation centre staff dealing with patients struggling with drugs such as ice, while facing no guarantees of funding after June 30 this year.

Senator Nash said $87 million in Commonwealth funding had been allocated in 2015-16 for alcohol and drug treatment activities provided by non-government organisations.

“The Coalition Government understands the importance of support for rehabilitation,” Senator Nash said.

“Treatment services provide a vital function in getting people off drugs and alcohol and being able to again contribute to society.”

A review of the drug and alcohol treatment services sector, addressing issues of duplication and overlap of services, is being considered by the Commonwealth and state and territory governments.

“Extending funding for another 12 months will provide clarity and certainty for organisations in the alcohol and other drug sector while longer-term plans are developed,” Senator Nash said.

“This will enable treatment services to continue to offer programs and support their clients in their individual recovery.”

Public Health Association of Australia chief executive Michael Moore said while the announcement was welcome, the funding for many other health groups remained uncertain.

Funding for other important health programs tackling chronic disease, communicable diseases and rural health runs out at the end of June.

Opposition health spokesperson Catherine King said the decision was an 11th hour fix.

“At literally the last minute before these crucial organisations were due to begin winding up services and laying off staff, the Minister has announced she will roll over their funding for another 12 months,” she said.