High profile Health Department voluntary redundancy to be reviewed


Tasmania’s Health Minister has asked for a review of the voluntary redundancy given to a high profile Health Department official after concerns were raised in Parliament by the State Opposition.

Labor leader Bryan Green has claimed the former head of communications for the Health Department was not eligible for a redundancy because the position was ongoing.

The State Government did not deny Russell Kelly was transferred to a new job that was made redundant four weeks later.

Health Minister Michael Ferguson said he asked the State Service Management Office to review the matter to ensure guidelines were followed.

“The advice provided to me after the matter was raised in Parliament was that the position in question was a permanent pre-existing position and that the redundancy was therefore in line with the State Service Act and all relevant guidelines,” he said.

He said Mr Green’s attack on the proceedings was misguided.

“Labor leader Bryan Green’s decision to target an individual public servant in Parliament is regrettable,” Mr Ferguson said.

“While no information has been provided to me that suggests proper procedure wasn’t followed by the agency in question, it is important that the public can have confidence that government agencies are following proper procedure.”

He said when the matter was raised in Parliament yesterday the advice given to him was the redundancy was in line with the State Service Act.

But he said a review would provide an assurance of the facts.

Department of Health and Human Services acting secretary Michael Pervan said the transfer occurred to fill an internal vacancy.

“The Department of Health and Human Services can confirm that the project manager position which an employee was transferred to was not a new position, but a permanent position on the department’s establishment which had existed since 2010,” he said.

“We welcome the review by the State Service Management Office requested by the Minister for Health today.”