Tasmanian Government accused of allowing Health Department redundancy rorting


The Tasmanian Opposition has used Parliamentary Question Time to accuse the Government of allowing rorting of redundancy provisions within the Health Department.

Opposition Leader Bryan Green told Parliament the head of communications for the Health Department, Russell Kelly, was on a salary of $115,000 per year when his job became redundant. He did not yet qualify for a payout.

Mr Green said he was moved into a short-term position for four weeks so he would be eligible for a redundancy payment.

“Your office claims this is above board but clearly ministers, this is rorting,” he said.

“How widespread is this practice in your department and what are you going to do to stamp it out?”

Mr Green went on to accuse Premier Will Hodgman of allowing the rort to encourage workers to leave the public service.

“Will Hodgman does not deny that senior employees are being shifted to new shortterm positions that have been invented so they can receive payouts,” he said.

“Will Hodgman says he will use whatever mechanism is available to the Government to cut jobs but he must step in and stamp out this rort.”

Health Minister Michael Ferguson said he was advised that the Health Department operated within the State Service Act.

“The allegation within the question is not correct,” he said.

“The allegation that there is rorting going on, I am advised, is not correct.”