University of Canberra launches new health research institute with big ambitions


An artist’s impression of the courtyard of the new University of Canberra public hospital. Photo: Supplied

The University of Canberra will launch a new health research institution on Thursday with a goal of producing breakthroughs in chronic disease prevention, primary care and sub-acute health care.

The Health Research Institute, which will be formerly launched by ACT Health Minister Simon Corbell, has been billed as a key component of the university’s new health precinct.

“We’ve been thinking about launching this institute for a while now with a number of new developments on campus, including the new University of Canberra public hospital,” said the Institute’s founding director professor Rachel Davey.

“Research excellence is at the core of our vision because the university wants to climb international rankings and part of that is research excellence.”

Deputy vice-chancellor professor Frances Shannon said the new institute would call upon diverse departments but focus on achieving health outcomes.

“The Health Research Institute will allow easy collaboration between multi and trans-disciplinary researchers and academics to deliver novel, interesting and hopefully life-changing results in the health field,” she said.

Professor Davey said the institute was unique as it would call on the entire university to advance research.

“We will have the usual health-related disciplines working with researchers in fields as diverse as architecture, urban planning, software technology, and engineering,” she said.

“Most of the real-world problems in health require collaboration from a range of disciplines because you can never really find a solution from one approach.”

The institute will call on about 80 researchers, but plans to recruit an additional 20 staff within a year. 

Professor Davey said the centre would focus on improving personal health and wellbeing, healthcare systems, disease detection and treatment, and new medical technologies.

“We’ll be focusing on research that informs government policy and private practices, but we want to enhance the impact of research with partnerships with government, industry, NGOs and the community sector,” she said. 

Construction on the University of Canberra hospital is expected to begin in early 2016 and cost more than $100 million.

The hospital will include a research centre for academics and students from the University of Canberra, unit-style mental health accommodation – including shared kitchen and dining facilities – as well as courses to help patients who want to again work or drive.

It will also feature an innovative courtyard to assist patients with rehabilitation.

Earlier this week, Mr Corbell said the hospital would provide a range of rehabilitation services and treat mental health conditions as well as providing targeted services and care for older Canberrans

The Health Research Institute has been launched as part of the university’s research festival, which features seminars and exhibits from researchers in health, education government and other specialities. 

 – additional reporting Natasha Boddy