Salt campaigners highlight lunchbox danger


People eating

High volumes of salt in lunchboxes are putting Aussie kids at risk of heart disease later in life. Source: AAP

SALT is is putting Australian kids at risk of heart disease later in life, say health experts concerned about high volumes of the chemical lurking in lunchboxes.

“CHILDREN can avoid consuming almost four grams of salt if parents make the right choices for their lunchboxes,” said Dr Jacqui Webster of the George Institute in Sydney.

Australian children aged nine to 13-years-old eat on average 6.2 grams, or just over a teaspoon, of salt a day. That’s way above the government’s upper limit of five grams for this age bracket. Children aged four to eight years are consuming 5.1 grams, just under a teaspoon, of salt a day. The government recommends a maximum of 3.5 grams for this age group. Excessive salt consumption is a major cause of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and diabetes, Dr Webster said. The institute is marking salt awareness week by urging parents to switch to lower-salt, or sodium, alternatives. Food is considered low in salt if it has less than 120mg of sodium per 100g. It is high if it has about 500mg. Healthy lunchbox tips: * Choose fresh, whole foods. * Choose low salt options of the same food type, including bread, fillings and snacks. * Include a drink, water is the best. * To find healthier options use the free FoodSwitch app, where you scan the barcode of packaged food to receive immediate nutritional information along with suggested alternatives.