Love the skin you’re in: 9 uplifting body-positive blogs


Love the skin you’re in: 9 uplifting body-positive blogs


Image: Heide Benser/Corbis

Among the fashion, entertainment and media industries, body-shaming and impossible beauty standards are exceedingly commonplace. But bloggers are fighting back.

Using platforms like Tumblr, an important intersection for young people and issues of social justice, bloggers are changing the conversation and showing it’s possible to love the skin you’re in.

From the inclusive Stop Hating Your Body Tumblr, which promotes self-love among all people, to PsychCentral‘s body image blog, Weightless, these nine blogs are worth your attention.

Certain images or content within these blogs may be triggering or NSFW; be sure to check Tumblr tags before you scroll.

Body-positive blogs

  1. Stop-hating-your-body

    1. Stop Hating Your Body

    Stop Hating Your Body posts content across the self-love spectrum, encouraging readers and followers to discuss positive body image related to size, gender, sexual orientation and more. Tumblr users can submit their own content, but must adhere to the guidelines in order to maintain a safe space.

    “Healthy, not healthy, working on it, abled, disabled, we are all human, we all deserve to be happy, we all deserve to love ourselves,” the blog’s description says.

  2. Fat-girl-food-squad

    2. Fat Girl Food Squad

    Fat Girl Food Squad is a Toronto-based food blog focusing on body positivity. Founders Amanda Scriver and Yuli Scheidt started the blog after they realized feeling alienated for their size at PR events.

    At Fat Girl Food Squad, you’ll find a community discussing “the intersection between food, fat and feminism. These core ideas inform everything we do and everything we write about,” according the site’s about page.

    The community also regularly hosts IRL meetups.

  3. Garnerstyle

    3. GarnerStyle

    Who says the fashion world can’t be body-positive? Thirty-something Chastity Garner Valentine started GarnerStyle with her image consulting business in mind, offering fashion advice and inspiration to plus-size women. The popular blog offers style tips with her own personal aesthetic. Each post emanates confidence.

    Image: GarnerStyle
  4. Abercrombiead_thumb

    4. The Militant Baker

    Jes Baker’s blog rose to fame in 2013, after Abercrombie & Fitch’s CEO made comments stating his company didn’t make XL clothes because he “doesn’t want larger people shopping in the store.” Baker responded by recreating A&F ads with the tagline “Attractive & Fat.”

    The Militant Baker boasts more than 500,000 views every day, and focuses on a wide range of topics including body acceptance, rape culture, feminism and general empowerment.

  5. Love-yourself-project

    5. The Love Yourself Challenge

    As you can guess by this blog’s name, The Love Yourself Challenge offers positive messages for young people, challenging them to be comfortable in their own skin. Brother-sister duo Scotty and Rae Smith run the blog and create the original images, inspired by their own experiences.

    You can read Rae’s personal story here.

  6. Weightless

    6. Weightless

    Weightless is PsychCentral‘s body image blog focusing on wellbeing, written by Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S., through a personal, relatable lens.

    Tartakovsky interviews experts, features recovery stories and calls out women’s magazines when they include bad or harmful advice.

  7. F-yeah-body-positivity

    7. Fuck Yeah Body Positivity

    This minimalist blog’s founder, 22-year-old Katie, writes it best: “Whether you are skinny or curvy, short or tall, light or dark skinned, clear-skinned or pimpled, you are beautiful and this is a blog for you.”

    From encouraging quotes to powerful photo stories, Fuck Yeah Body Positivity rounds up some of the best body-positive content across the web.

  8. Carol-rossetti

    8. Carol Rossetti Design

    Brazil-based graphic designer Carol Rossetti made headlines in 2014 for her empowering illustrations of women and the various societal challenges they face. Her Tumblr features her new illustrations, translated in English and Portuguese, with topics running the gamut from same-sex relationships to racism.

    She also reblogs related content and responds to questions from followers.

  9. Reglam-blog

    9. REglam Blog

    REglam is a fashion magazine aiming to change the conversation around the industry, focusing on real women of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds. Its blog comments on a variety of body image issues, from “fat phobia” to bikini season to anti-bullying campaigns.

    Image: REglam
  10. Body-positive-tips

    BONUS: Body Positive Tips

    This Tumblr blog hasn’t been updated in two years, but while it’s not worth following for new posts, the archives feature life-affirming reminders, such as “Treat yourself with kindness.”

    Its very last post also includes links to blogs geared toward general positivity, depression recovery, fitness and more.


Image: Mashable Composite, Flickr, Epicantus

Editor’s note: If you or a loved one is suffering from an eating disorder, you’re not alone. Organizations like the National Eating Disorder Association (U.S.), National Eating Disorder Information Centre (Canada), The Butterfly Foundation (Australia), the National Centre for Eating Disorders (UK) and We Bite Back can help.

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