NSW state election 2015: Labor promises $430m upgrade for Westmead Hospital


Health Minister Jillian Skinner, pictured with construction workers at Westmead Hospital, says Labor is "late to the party".

Health Minister Jillian Skinner, pictured with construction workers at Westmead Hospital, says Labor is “late to the party”.

NSW Labor has made a commitment to spend $430 million to redevelop Westmead Hospital without privatising the state’s electricity network.

Opposition Leader Luke Foley made the announcement on Sunday saying Labor’s infrastructure plan for schools and plans would provide $1 billion more than the Liberal government has promised.

Similar to the Baird government’s commitment made in June last year, Labor has promised to provide a new emergency department, up to 14 new operating theatres, state-of-the-art pathology services and additional beds, based on demand.

“Labor’s commitment is unconditional whereas under the Liberals, the redevelopment will only proceed if NSW families agree to Mr Baird’s blackmail and the privatisation of the electricity network,” Mr Foley said.

“Population projections indicate an additional one million people living in western Sydney by 2031. The Local Health District has estimated that by 2021, the area will need 20 per cent more hospital beds.”

NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner said “Labor is late to the party”.

“The Baird government has already committed to the major upgrade of Westmead and works are well under way on the hospital site,” she said.

Demolition of an old building at Westmead Hospital began in December last year, marking the official start to the Westmead redevelopment. 

Opposition spokesman for health Walt Secord said Westmead was struggling with some of the longest emergency department waiting times in the state.

More than half of emergency patients wait more than four hours for treatment.

“Westmead Hospital was opened 35 years ago and it is time it was redeveloped to meet the changing needs of western Sydney families,” Mr Secord said.