Victorian upper house MP Rachel Carling-Jenkins promises to fight abortion


New Victorian upper house MP, Rachel Carling-Jenkins.

New Victorian upper house MP, Rachel Carling-Jenkins. Photo: Luis Ascui

A new crossbencher in the Victorian upper house has promised to fight abortion and gave thanks to a hard-right religious leader in her maiden speech.

The Democratic Labor Party’s Rachel Carling-Jenkins, a former academic, said she would be a “voice for the voiceless” in state parliament.

“In the decades to come, I pray that we will look back at this era appalled at the babies we killed and horrified at the very idea that we would enslave women in prostitution,” she told the upper house this morning.

“I refuse to be a bystander. Under my watch, there will not be silence on the issues which matter.”

Ms Carling-Jenkins could hold a crucial vote on the passage of legislation in the upper house.

Labor holds 14 seats in the Legislative Council, which means it must gain the support of the Greens who have five and at least two cross benchers to pass legislation.

She is among five crossbenchers who were elected to the Legislative Council at the November poll.

In her speech Ms Carling-Jenkins thanked Pastor Danny Nalliah who previously claimed the Black Saturday bushfires were connected to abortion laws in Victoria. She also thanked the Australian Christians.

“I wish you each held a seat in this parliament with me and I promise to hold true to our shared values.”

She described pornography and the “fast growing sex industry” as a scourge on society.

Ms Carling-Jenkins said she would speak for “healthy relationships” and families burdened by financial, social and emotional issues. “I care about and commit to being a voice for families who are torn apart by domestic violence.”

Sex Party MP Fiona Patten also gave her maiden speech last night.