10 ‘red flag’ signs of cancer you need to look for


A study of more than 1700 people found the main reasons why people did not visit the doct

A study of more than 1700 people found the main reasons why people did not visit the doctor was because they perceived their symptom as trivial. Source: Supplied

MORE and more Australians are being diagnosed with cancer every year. But the good news is Australians with cancer are living longer than ever before.

New research from Cancer Research UK says the key to beating cancer is knowing the 10 red-flag cancer warning symptoms and getting them checked as soon as possible.

A study of more than 1700 people found the main reasons why people did not visit the doctor was because they perceived their symptom as trivial or worried about wasting the doctor’s time.

“If in doubt, check it out,” said Cancer Research UK’s Dr Richard Roope.


* persistent cough or hoarseness

* unexplained lump

* persistent change in bowel habits

* persistent change in bladder habits

* unexplained weight loss

* persistent unexplained pain

* unexplained bleeding

* a sore that does not heal

* persistent difficulty swallowing

* change in the appearance of a mole

(Source: Cancer Research UK study)

Cancer often caused by ‘bad luck’, not genes 1:15


Cancer is often caused by the bad luck of random mutations that arise when cells divide, not family history or environmental causes, US researchers say.

  • News Corp Australia
  • 02 Jan 2015
  • Lifestyle Lifestyle/Health

Originally published as 10 ‘red flag’ signs of cancer