Women urged to look out for ovarian cancer


WOMEN need to take bloating, feeling full after only eating a small amount, and abdominal pain extremely seriously.

THESE can sometimes be the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, says Ovarian Cancer Australia.

With no early detection test, knowing and recognising the symptoms is the best way of detecting the disease. “It is alarming to see that it is still so misunderstood,” says Ovarian Cancer Australia board member Tracey Curro. Only half of Australian women know that ovarian cancer exhibits symptoms, a new survey of 640 women shows. The study also found that half of those surveyed wrongly believe that Pap smears can detect ovarian cancer. A Pap smear is to check for cervical cancer. Very rarely ovarian cancer cells can be detected during a Pap smear. Ovarian cancer survivor Jan Antony says women must listen to their bodies. The 71-year-old Melbourne woman had been feeling bloated and tired for some time before her diagnosis seven years ago. “The symptoms aren’t glaringly obvious,” says Ms Antony, speaking ahead of Ovarian Cancer Awareness month in February. “I was just having an upset stomach and it continued for a few days and I thought I might need some antibiotics. “The GP said we’ll do a vaginal ultrasound just to check that everything is fine. “Bang, there it was, stage three. It just goes to show it can sneak up on you.” About 1400 Australian women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2015. Over 1000 will die from the disease this year. That’s why Ms Antony is speaking about the disease, which has the lowest survival rate of any women’s cancer. Only 43 per cent of those diagnosed with ovarian cancer will be alive after five years. Breast cancer’s five year survival rate is 89 per cent. “The symptoms can be vague, but if your body feels different, it only takes a trip to the GP,” says Ms Antony. “And if you are at the GP insist on an ultrasound. “If you get it at stage one, the survival rate is about 95 per cent. “It’s absolutely crucial that you act on those things. “Even if it seems like an overreaction at the time, just do it.” KEY SYMPTOMS OF OVARIAN CANCER INCLUDE: * Abdominal or pelvic pain * Increased abdominal size or persistent abdominal bloating * The need to urinate often or urgently * Feeling full after eating a small amount * If these symptoms are new to you and you experience one or more of them persistently over a four-week period, you should consult your GP *For more information about ovarian cancer, Teal Ribbon Day or to find out how to host an Afternoon Teal call 1300 660 334 or visit www.ovariancancer.net.au