Printed Tattoo Glucose Sensor Takes On Hated Pinpricks


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Diabetics the world over will be happy to hear that researchers at University of California, San Diego have demonstrated in a proof-of-concept study a glucose sensing temporary tattoo. The device samples interstitial fluid within the skin that contains glucose, among other analytes.

The tattoo is entirely printed and remains flexible while stuck to the skin. It relies on a method called reverse iontophoretic extraction to get at the glucose and an enzymatic biosensor to measure it. In a study on seven healthy human volunteers, the tattoo was able to provide accurate glucose readings without any dreaded finger pricks.

Besides sampling and quantifying glucose, the researchers behind the tattoo believe that it will be able to measure other analytes found within the interstitial fluid.

Paper in Analytical ChemistryTattoo-Based Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring: A Proof-of-Concept Study…

ACS: Tattoo-Based Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring: A Proof-of-Concept Study…

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