Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital training accreditation could be at risk


The Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital is believed to be in danger of losing its gynaecology and obstetrics training accreditation.

The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital is believed to be in danger of losing its gynaecology and obstetrics training accreditation. Photo: Michelle Smith

The Metro North Hospital and Health Service has dodged questions surrounding the training accreditation of its flagship facility after it was audited this week.

Fairfax Media has been told the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital is in danger of losing its gynaecology and obstetrics training accreditation after it failed to meet certain prescribed standards.

The MNHHS was asked five questions about 12.20pm on Wednesday regarding the rumour.

It was asked:

  • whether its Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists accreditation was at risk
  • what issues had been identified by the RANZCOG accreditation team and what had been done to address those issues
  • whether the RBWH had been given any deadlines to address certain issues and, if so, what those issues were
  • whether accreditation had been given for 2015
  • what a lack of accreditation would mean for the RBWH and the training registrars in 2015.

In a written response that took more than 5½ hours to be provided, Women’s and Children’s MNHHS executive director Richard Kennedy confirmed RANZCOG visited the RBWH this week.

But Dr Kennedy’s response did not address the questions that were asked.

“The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists visited Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital this week as part of a review of training and education for obstetrics and gynaecology registrars,” he said.

“This is one of several visits over a three-year period as part of the accreditation process.

“The college is currently considering its recommendations following this visit.

“Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital has made considerable progress and is working collaboratively with the college to ensure continuous improvement in the education and training of our future specialists.

“Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital remains committed to the delivery of high quality obstetrics and gynaecology care.”

RANZCOG president Michael Permeze confirmed a reaccreditation visit to the hospital resulted in some recommendations being made.

That was followed by a second visit from RANZCOG representatives.

“The follow-up visit by a re-accreditation team from the college was to see how the hospital had progressed in addressing the recommendations made at the time of the last re-accreditation visit,” Professor Permeze said.

“All site visits result in various recommendations and these are always followed up. 

“Our discussions with all our accredited hospitals remain confidential, irrespective of the nature of those discussions. 

“I can confirm that the hospital retains RANZCOG accreditation at the present time. 

“Any change to that accreditation status would be for the college to discuss in confidence with the hospital and it would be for the hospital to advise of any such change, not the college.”