Child diagnosed with meningococcal

A CHILD diagnosed as the Hunter’s tenth case of meningococcal this year is stable, the health service says.

Hunter New England Health said there were no links between the child and previous cases, and those close to the young patient would be treated with antibiotics.

Public Health Physician Dr Tony Merritt said seeking medical attention quickly may prevent the development of serious complications. 

“Meningococcal disease may be very severe and the community needs to be on the alert for its symptoms. If anyone suspects meningococcal disease, they should seek medical attention immediately,” Dr Merritt said.

Early meningococcal symptoms may include pain in the legs, cold hands and feet and abnormal skin colour.

Later symptoms may include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, dislike of bright lights, nausea and vomiting, a rash of reddish-purple spots or bruises and drowsiness. 

Babies with the infection can be irritable, not feed properly and have an abnormal cry.

In 2013 there were 11 confirmed cases of meningococcal disease in the Hunter New England Local Health District. 

There were 9 confirmed cases in 2012, 15 in 2011 and 13 in 2010.

Dr Merritt said the disease was spread through nose and throat secretions, meaning it required close and prolonged contact to transmit.

While the disease is serious, he said early detection and treatment often resulted in full recovery. 

“It does not appear to be spread through saliva or by sharing drinks, food or cigarettes,” Dr Merritt said.

The National Immunisation Program includes a vaccine for the meningococcal C strain but not for the B strain of the disease.

This means that young people who have had the meningococcal C vaccine should still be on the look out for symptoms.

“The number of cases of this rare disease has been falling over the past 10 years due in part to the success of the meningococcal C vaccination program,” Dr Merritt said.

The meningococcal C vaccine is recommended for all babies at 12 months of age and currently in NSW, free vaccine is provided for unvaccinated people up to 25 years of age.