‘Staff have their lives threatened’


A dramatic spike in addiction to ice and amphetamine has led to a 155 per cent increase in Canberrans seeking treatment from specialists amid mental health problems and unpredictable violence.

According to The Salvation Army, the number of people seeking assistance after using the drugs has more than doubled since 2010 with 28 per cent of their clients now admitting to using the dangerous drugs.

Major Scott Warrington, who coordinates the Salvation Army’s Canberra Recovery Services Centre in Fyshwick, said cases of amphetamine or ice usage were between 2004 and 2013 were now higher than the overall usage of cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine and gambling dependence combined.

“The biggest issue is not so much the increase in use but the amount of mental health issues associated which make it very difficult to work in that environment, despite how rewarding the work can be,” he said.