Online treatment eases postnatal blues


A NEW online treatment for postnatal depression has proved a huge success with new mums, says beyondblue.

MORE than 40 Australian women diagnosed with postnatal depression took part in a study to test a free program called MumMoodBooster.

Half of the group received existing routine care for postnatal depression, while the other half undertook the online program, which includes phone support. Those who did the MumMoodBooster program were nearly five times more likely to have recovered from postnatal depression by the end of the 12-week trial. Every year about 40,000 Australian women experience postnatal depression. And over 50 per cent of mums with postnatal depression don’t seek help, says beyondblue CEO Georgie Harman. “We know many mums with postnatal depression are afraid people will think they are not good mothers, and we hope they will use this online program at home to help them with their mental health and their parenting,” she said. The program has been developed by the Parent-Infant Research Institute in Australia and the Oregon Research Institute in the US.