Another Qld hospital boss leaves


ANOTHER head of a Queensland hospital has suddenly quit after less than three months on the job.

DR Peter Tesar has reportedly resigned as executive director of the Prince Charles, Caboolture and Kilcoy hospitals for personal reasons.

The Courier-Mail says staff were told of his departure by email on Monday. Dr Tesar joins a growing procession of health executives who have either quit, been made redundant or been sacked since the Newman government came to power in 2012. Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital executive director Professor Keshwar Baboolal abruptly left without notice last month. Prof Baboolal’s departure came soon after the suspension on full pay of the hospital and health service’s chief executive Malcolm Stamp and its executive director of corporate services and performance Scott McMullen. Comment has been sought from the Metro North Hospital and Health Service. Opposition health spokeswoman Jo-Ann Miller said Metro North was “clearly in crisis”. She has called on Health Minister Lawrence Springborg to fully explain the situation or to resign. “How can the public have confidence in the hospital when the senior staff are either leaving under clouds of secrecy or being referred to the CCC (Crime and Corruption Commission)?”