Dexcom’s Continuous Glucose Monitor Now with Artificial Pancreas Algorithm


Dexcom G4 Platinum Professional CGM Dexcoms Continuous Glucose Monitor Now with Artificial Pancreas Algorithm

Dexcom, maker of the popular G4 PLATINUM continuous glucometer, received FDA clearance for a new software package for the device that mimics how a natural pancreas assesses sugar levels. Software 505, as it’s called, “features the same advanced algorithm as used in artificial pancreas research around the world,” according to the company.

Dexcom G4 Platinum Dexcoms Continuous Glucose Monitor Now with Artificial Pancreas AlgorithmExisting adult users of the Dexcom G4 PLATINUM can download the new software for their device at no charge from the product page.

From Dexcom:

Now, Dexcom G4 PLATINUM is the first and only CGM system on the market with a single-digit MARD (Mean Absolute Relative Difference) measurement, below 10 percent. MARD is the standard industry measurement of accuracy, where a lower MARD reflects higher accuracy. With the new software, healthcare providers, patients and caregivers will now have glucose readings from a sensor that are closest yet to lab accuracy. The combination of the new software with the CGM advantages of real-time trends, speed and direction provides a complete picture of the patient’s glucose activity.

Product page: Dexcom G4 PLATINUM now with Software 505…

Press release: FDA Approves Dexcom Software with Artificial Pancreas Algorithm…