NZ MP fired over Ebola homeopathy call


A NEW Zealand MP has been stripped of his portfolio after calling on the World Health Organisation to use homeopathy to fight Ebola.

STEFFAN Browning, the Green Party’s natural health products spokesman, signed a petition last week asking the WHO to distribute homeopathic remedies to contain outbreaks of the deadly disease.

It annoyed party leaders, who have been trying to avoid the Greens being perceived as a wacky outfit. Mr Browning was ticked off by co-leader Russel Norman, and on Wednesday the caucus stripped him of his portfolio. “It’s a clear signal to the country that the Green Party treats health matters seriously,” co-leader Metiria Turei told reporters. “Individuals can make choices about their own health treatments but it is critical public health decisions are evidence-based.” Mr Browning said he can live with losing the portfolio. “I’ve got some other really gutsy portfolios and I’ll be working very well on them,” he said. Mr Browning’s responsibilities include agriculture, biosecurity, customs, food safety and forestry.