FIFO workers leaving depression untreated ‘for fear of drug tests’


Mine workers suffering from depression are leaving their condition untreated out of fear of losing their jobs, according to one of Australia’s biggest construction unions.

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) has given evidence to a parliamentary inquiry into the mental health of fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workers.

The inquiry was launched after nine FIFO workers took their own life within a 12-month period while working on resource projects in the Pilbara.

The Education and Health Parliamentary Standing Committee is looking at the contributing factors leading to mental illness and suicide among FIFO workers, along with the legislative and regulatory framework.

Outside the inquiry, AMWU state secretary Steve McCartney said a survey of more than 300 workers had revealed many were not taking anti-depressants for fear of them being detected in urine tests.

“If you put your hand up and say you’ve got a mental health issue, there’s a very good chance you’ll get a window seat and that will be the end of you and your career up there,” he said.

He said workers’ compensation should include conditions like depression.

“We want to make sure the committee makes some real changes in and around and understands that mental health in this industry is a real big issue,” Mr McCartney said.

“We need a pathway back to work, we need education on the job, we need support for those workers while they’re there.

“A glossy pamphlet and a telephone number will no longer suffice.”