DEC praises overwhelming British response to Ebola appeal


Charity group says £4m has been donated in first two days of campaign to help people affected by Ebola in west Africa
Ebola victim
Health workers cover the body of a suspected Ebola victim in Liberia. Photograph: Abbas Dulleh/AP

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) says it has been overwhelmed by the “extraordinary generosity” of the British public after £4m was donated in just two days to a campaign to help people affected by the Ebola crisis in west Africa.

The UK government has pledged to match the first £5m given by the public and its £4m contribution so far brings the fund total to £8m since the campaign was launched on Thursday.

Saleh Saeed, chief executive of DEC, said: “We are extremely grateful to the UK government for the aid match funding which is a significant boost to the appeal.

“The UK government will match a further £1m raised, so we encourage the UK public to donate as soon as possible to double the amount of their donation.

“Our member agencies have already achieved so much – providing protective clothing, educating communities and supporting safe and dignified burials – but there is so much more to do.”

A DEC spokesman said its member agencies were scaling up their aid efforts in west Africa where they have already helped more than 2.5 million people affected by the Ebola crisis, including working in some of the worst-affected and most remote areas of Sierra Leone and Liberia.

So far, almost 5,000 people have been killed by the virus and more than 13,000 have been infected, although experts say the real figures could be much higher.

DEC brings together 13 leading UK aid charities: ActionAid UK, Age International, British Red Cross, Cafod, Care International, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide, Islamic Relief, Merlin, Oxfam, Plan UK, Save the Children, Tearfund and World Vision.

To make a donation visit the DEC Ebola Crisis Appeal website, call the 24-hour hotline on 0370 60 60 900, donate over the counter at any high street bank or post office, or send a cheque. You can also donate £5 by texting the word SUPPORT to 70000.