What happens when the money runs out for surgery?


Member for Gaven Dr Alex Douglas MP says the Health Minister can’t  explain where funds for  surgery at the Gold Coast will come from once a current national agreement runs out shortly.

“When I asked him in Parliament this afternoon where funding would come from when the National Partnership Agreement on elective list reduction plan finishes, he said he would continue to talk to others to keep health going,” he said.

“The Minister Lawrence Springborg  can’t get the money from the State Treasurer and there is no more coming from the Federal Government that can be diverted to stop the real waiting list at the hospital exploding.

“He’s now looking for a miracle to find  money to fill the gap in funding for surgery at the Gold Coast when the NPAEL funding runs out.

“His only resort now is to seek divine help and he needs it with the Gold Coast Health budget rapidly climbing over $1 billion last year.

“Gold Coast residents really deserve better than this.

“They need certainty.  A job, good health , a roof over their head and an ability to feed themselves and their families most meekly ask for.

“They get a wish and a hollow promise, the Minister knowing the NPAEL money runs out when the next election is over.

“This is the cynical action of a Health Minister who won’t admit to Gold Coast residents that they are really going to suffer in the next electoral term should the LNP be re-elected.”