Health Ombudsman’s new role is Caesar judging Caesar


Member for Gaven Dr Alex Douglas MP says an extension of the Health Ombudsman’s role to include auditing and reporting on surgical waiting times in the state’s public hospitals is comparable to Caesar judging Caesar.

“What skills does the Health Ombudsman have to take on this role?” Dr Douglas, himself an experienced general practitioner of more than 25 years, asked.

“Only a Health Minister and a cynical LNP Government would not just think this up, but go the next step and do it is all the proof one needs to demonstrate the government’s contempt.

“The Health Ombudsman should have refused to do this and I call on him to do so.

“In Queensland the public needs to know that firstly, the Health Ombudsman has no set medical reference panel of experts, although he can empanel one if he wishes.

“With respect, the Health Ombudsman has no medical training at all and how would be know what is required?

“New South Wales has a Health Ombudsman but the reference panel is his effective boss and this system works.

“Secondly, the final decision on anything in Queensland is taken by the Health Minister and,  as I’ve consistently said, it was the critical weakness of this unique Queensland Health Ombudsman’s legislation.

“It is critically flawed legislation and the government’s decision to extend the Ombudsman’s responsibilities makes us all just a bit less safe and protected.

“The Campbell Newman Government did not allow true independent scrutiny of waiting time because it just does not want the Queensland public to really know what’s going on.

“Why not ask the Ombudsman to address the waiting list for the waiting list bookings?

“They don’t publish that nor audit it in Queensland and that is where the big problem of  unmet medical needs lies.”