UberHEALTH Now Bringing Flu Shot Armed Nurses to Your Home


UberHEALTH nurse UberHEALTH Now Bringing Flu Shot Armed Nurses to Your HomeuberHEALTH screenshot UberHEALTH Now Bringing Flu Shot Armed Nurses to Your Home

Doctors’ house calls used to be a common occurrence, but over the decades this amiable arrangement fell apart and the sick are now expected to make it to the clinics. Certainly a lot of folks remember those days fondly and Uber, the company famous for flipping the taxi industry on its head, hopes to bring it back. The company is beginning to test a new service that will dispatch a nurse to your home to give you a flu shot.

The UberHEALTH service works through the Uber app and ordering a nurse visit is pretty much just like hailing an Uber taxi. The company is initially testing the service in the New York, Washington, DC, and Boston markets where the service will be available between 10 am and 3pm. If everything goes well we might see UberHEALTH roll out to the rest of the country and maybe begin offering more than flu shots. This is, of course, unless some government agency will put the brakes on it.

Announcement: Bringing House Calls Back With UberHEALTH…

Links: UberHEALTH NYC…, UberHEALTH Boston…UberHEALTH DC…