TB meds should be taken on empty stomach


TUBERCULOSIS patients should take their medications on an empty stomach to allow them to take full effect.

THE recommendation comes from Germany’s Association of Pneumological Clinics (VPK), which cited a study presented at the recent international congress of the European Respiratory Society in Munich.

“In the course of a study for a doctoral dissertation the blood concentration levels of the tuberculosis drugs isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamid were found to be lower when taken after a meal containing carbohydrates than when taken on an empty stomach,” said VPK Chairman Thomas Voshaar. Results of the study suggest that eating a carbohydrate-rich meal before taking the tuberculosis medications can diminish their effectiveness. “This also confirms our experience so far in tuberculosis therapy,” Voshaar said. “Taking the tablets on an empty stomach, and all at once, works best.” TB patients should therefore not only take their medications regularly, but also in accordance with the VPK’s recommendations. If they have trouble tolerating the tablets, they can take them with some curd cheese or low-fat natural cream cheese, foods that protect the stomach lining and contain few carbohydrates.