Better reporting needed on restraint of mental health patients


Victoria’s ombudsman Deborah Glass says psychiatric and mental health facilities should be required to make incident reports available to community visitors when patients are restrained.

Ms Glass investigated complaints made by the visitors, a group of 443 people who volunteer to protect the rights and interests of people with a mental illness or disability.

The community visitors alleged excessive force had been used on some patients who were restrained at an adult acute psychiatric facility in regional Victoria.

Ms Glass said her department was “unable to reach firm conclusions” regarding the allegations due to the lack of incident reports.

Complaints about lack of training ‘not good enough’

“There is insufficient information upon which the investigation could proceed,” Ms Glass’s report to Parliament concluded.

“People in mental health facilities are particularly vulnerable.

“Much better reporting is needed to make sure that patients and staff as well as the public can have confidence [that] these matters are being taken seriously when they do get raised.”

Ms Glass said it was “not good enough” that staff complained that they were not properly trained to make incident reports.

“If we don’t know what the starting point is, then the difficulty is that the allegation remains just that, an allegation,” she said.

Ms Glass said the facility involved has co-operated with her report and accepts her recommendations.

The ABC understands the facility is the Alexander Bayne Centre at the Bendigo Hospital but Ms Glass would not confirm that.

The Bendigo Hospital has been contacted for comment.