Teen refugee with leukaemia makes appeal to PM


A teenage refugee being treated for leukaemia in Hobart has asked Prime Minister Tony Abbott to allow his uncle to join their family in Australia.

Surjen Magar, 15, is Bhutanese and arrived in Australia from a refugee camp in Nepal 18 months ago along with three other family members.

“He’s receiving great treatment here and that wouldn’t have been possible had he have been in Nepal,” Robyn Moore from the Make A Wish Foundation said.

Surjen’s used his wish to meet Mr Abbott, with the Prime Minister yesterday visiting the boy’s home in suburban Hobart.

Speaking through a translator, Surjen thanked Mr Abbott for the medical treatment he was receiving.

He said he also hoped the the Prime Minister could help his uncle, Bishnu, who is still in Nepal, resettle in Hobart.

“He wants to bring the family here, who are only four people … so he will do as much as he can,” the translator said.

Mr Abbott said he could not offer any guarantees, but that it was very nice to meet the boy and his family.

“Obviously, this is a pretty tough time in Surjen’s life, but it’s good to be here with him,” he said.

“It’s very gratifying to have the thanks of Surjen and his family for the welcome that they’ve received here in Australia.”